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3 Column Layouts


New Member
How many of you web designers opt for the standard 3 column layout?
Or do you use 2 columns typically? Or...does it depend on the topic
of the site you are creating?

Either way, I still opt for the 3 column layout more often than the
2, just because it gives you another area for marketing links and

So what do you use?
It mainly depends on the type of the website. If you are offering some professional services or sell specific products - links and banners should be the last thing on your mind.
I often ponder this same thing myself. I always tend to slant my thoughts to a 3 column layout, even if the content isnt there. I just leave the empty column to eye candy.
2 - I'm not a huge fan of an entire column of ads, I hide mine at the bottom of the sidebar.

2column ftw like it should be ;)