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Ask Me Anything 3 Habit To Avoid As An Affiliate Marketer


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Maximize Your Productivity By Avoiding This Habits

As an entrepreneur time is one of the must valuable asset you have. It is also the most limited resources. So to maximize your productivity you need to have a good time management in place, which also involves giving up or avoiding some habits that eats away your time.

Here are the three most dangerous habits every business man, and career men must avoid in order to be highly productive.

1. Multi-tasking
Here's the eternal truth, we all suck at multi-tasking. There is no way you'll do a great job if your attention is divided. Your ideas (if you get any) won't sit together, they just don't make sense. Multi-tasking will alway make you do a crappy job.

According to research, multi-tasking makes you work with the effectiveness of a 10 year old. That's because you need to give your 100% to whatever you're doing at the time. Something multi-tasking takes away from you.

2. Working Without A Plan
I'll tell you two sure ways to failure: one, work without a plan. Two, plan without working. A plan shows you what actions you need to take step by step to realize your goal. In that case working without a plan would mean shooting into the forest without aiming at your prey. The chances of you catching your prey is extremely low to zero.

Many times people give up because of burn out, exhaustion, and frustration etc, all this is as a result of lack of planing. Without a plan you'll work without a purpose, and worst, you can't measure your progress. That's because you have no progress, based on you have no plan to “progress on.” To sum it all, Avoid working without directions.

3. Failure To Set Priorities
“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” ― Dwight D. Eisenhower

You may have a plan or a list of thing to do, but one you need to remember is that not every thing is of the same importance. Not every activity on your list will affect your life the same way. Some leads to changing you completely, some are small steps to a big break through, while other won't move a needle in your life. You must recognize all of these.

Avoid prioritizing things because they are urgent or for pleasure, or will please your colleges and friends. Instead set your priorities right by targeting those key actions you need to take to achieve your goal. Highly esteem those activities that'll set you high.

You should prioritize your activities this way; First prioritize the mountain movers , than the huge rock movers, then the small rock movers, before you get to the sand grain movers. Weird illustration but you got the picture right.

In conclusion, avoid multi-tasking, it destroys creativity and weakens your brain. Avoid working without a plan, it means you have no directions and is a sure way to failure. Finally, avoid prioritizing activities that would move a needle in your life, focus on the mountain moving actions you need to take.
Hope you enjoyed it. Thank For Reading.
Impatience can also play a role. It is typical that people who expect fast & effortless money may give up if they don't see immediate outcomes
Shiny object syndrome - jumping from one idea, or one affiliate product, or one advertising channel to the next one, before really getting deep into it.