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301 Redirects


New Member
I am trying to rank a client in a niche - let's call it - "Taming Wild Horses" - he went out and bought a domain name called TamingWildHorses dot com (again, names are made up to protect the innocent :) ). He has his main site that is totally named something else.

He was wondering if a 301 redirect from TamingWildHorses dot com to his main site have any value from a SEO perspective?

I know that some webmasters sometimes share two or more sites - one is the main site and the other site is smaller but meant for a specific niche.

So what is the best way of going about to do this?
No, it won't really. See my comments in this thread:

Basically, a 301 redirect tells search engines to ignore that URL and focus on the URL at the end of the redirect. That means he won't benefit from the keywords in his new domain name.

A better solution in this case might be to relocate his main site at and redirect from the old URLs to this new domain.

But it's not really that great a domain name in itself for SEO purposes. SEs don't parse it very well as "taming wild horses" but rather as tamingwildhorses. A better domain for SEO purposes would be because that domain IS parsed as three separate words.

There may still be other good reasons for rebranding the site as if he can't get the hypehnated version of the domain. The best solution would be to have both the hyphenated and non-hyphenated versions and then redirect everything to the hyphenated version.

On the other hand, if his main site is a totally different topic, don't redirect anything - just create a new site and link between the two. But I'd still recommend getting the hyphenated version for its SEO value.
Since you want to redirect to main domain, I dont think it will help. If you keep as main domain I agree with "minstrel" comment. 301 redirect helps to pass already build backlinks to new domain.
This won't help at all as your spreading your inbound link count to two different domains rather than having them all point to just the one.

Choose one url and stuck with it.