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Bitcoin vs Stablecoin
Bitcoin: prospects and forecasts. Analysts blame speculators for the substantial volatility of the bitcoin growth as well as corporate finance operators and institutional investors. While those who advocate the crypto are pushing towards further boosting. What is the timescale for bitcoin future growth? Read more.
What‌ ‌is‌ ‌stablecoin?‌ ‌Who‌ ‌skim‌s ‌the‌ ‌cream? Another
bitcoin boom detects its attractiveness, but many still think it a chancy business. Stablecoin seems a less risky alternative as its price is not usually volatile... Read more

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Gambling prospects: after the quarantine
The gambling sector is predicted to grow at least 11 % annually. Fortune Business Insights, New-York University share analysis outcomes and speculate on profits, user security and data protection in the future. Read more.

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