So here we are at the 4th day of niche finding tools. <a target="_new" href="">Click the Niche Marketing Blog</a> category to see all the niche marketing tools I've shared. I think so far day ONE's tool is the hottest - what do you think?
<strong>One way to discover a good niche is to find a problem, pain or need and fill it!
Another slightly different way to find niches is to focus on finding out what people want MORE of or what their goals, hobbies or passions are.</strong>
<strong>43 Things</strong> is a great place to go to scan for niches based on both ideas above. People use 43 Things to share goals, wants, needs and problems. So here are a few ways to niche hunt there.
1st lets take a look at <strong><a target="_new" href=" ">The world's most popular goals on 43 Things</a></strong>. You think a list like that, sorted by popularity could give you some great niche marketing ideas or product categories to target???
<strong>As you go along through this exercise, copy and paste anything that catches your fancy that could possibly be a good niche. We'll use the tool at the bottom of the page to research how good of a niche your ideas may be.</strong>
Next go to <strong><a target="_new" href="">43 Things Most Popular Tags</a></strong>. See anything there that interests you and could yield a smaller, deeper niche?
Ok now let's dig deeper to find more specific and related niches. Pick a tag word. For an example I just picked the tag <a target="_new" href=""><strong>health</strong> so click here</a> to see what other info 43 Things gives us. Now on that page, you will see the <strong>Top 15 health goals rated by popularity</strong>. Wow, 9057 people say they want to "Kiss in the rain", who woulda thunk? If you click next you can see 15 more and keep drilling down. Then on the right you see "related" tags that could spark some good ideas as well.
OK as you went along you made a list of niche ideas right? Let's find out if any have merit.
The <strong>free</strong> keyword tool below is one of the best out there for doing quick research!
(Click Suggest - scroll down to see a TON keword research options)
<form METHOD='POST' ACTION='' target='_blank'><b><font SIZE=-1>Keyword Suggestions for:</font></b><br /><input type='hidden' name='c' value='1'/><input name='keyword' type='text' size=30/><br />
<br /><select name='mkt'><option value='US'>USA </option><option value='UK'>UK </option><option value='AU'>Australia </option><option value='AT'>Austria </option><option value='DK'>Denmark </option><option value='FI'>Finland </option><option value='FR'>France </option><option value='DE'>Germany </option><option value='IT'>Italy </option><option value='NL'>Netherlands </option><option value='NO'>Norway </option><option value='SC'>Scotland </option><option value='ES'>Spain </option><option value='SE'>Sweden </option><option value='CH'>Switzerland </option></select><br /><input type='submit' value='Suggest!'/><br /><font SIZE=-2>By <a HREF=''>Aaron Wall's SEO Book</a></font></form>
<center><a target="_new" href="">Looking for <strong>NICHE Affiliate Programs? </strong> Discover the Top 50 Here!</a></center>
<strong>One way to discover a good niche is to find a problem, pain or need and fill it!
Another slightly different way to find niches is to focus on finding out what people want MORE of or what their goals, hobbies or passions are.</strong>
<strong>43 Things</strong> is a great place to go to scan for niches based on both ideas above. People use 43 Things to share goals, wants, needs and problems. So here are a few ways to niche hunt there.
1st lets take a look at <strong><a target="_new" href=" ">The world's most popular goals on 43 Things</a></strong>. You think a list like that, sorted by popularity could give you some great niche marketing ideas or product categories to target???
<strong>As you go along through this exercise, copy and paste anything that catches your fancy that could possibly be a good niche. We'll use the tool at the bottom of the page to research how good of a niche your ideas may be.</strong>
Next go to <strong><a target="_new" href="">43 Things Most Popular Tags</a></strong>. See anything there that interests you and could yield a smaller, deeper niche?
Ok now let's dig deeper to find more specific and related niches. Pick a tag word. For an example I just picked the tag <a target="_new" href=""><strong>health</strong> so click here</a> to see what other info 43 Things gives us. Now on that page, you will see the <strong>Top 15 health goals rated by popularity</strong>. Wow, 9057 people say they want to "Kiss in the rain", who woulda thunk? If you click next you can see 15 more and keep drilling down. Then on the right you see "related" tags that could spark some good ideas as well.
OK as you went along you made a list of niche ideas right? Let's find out if any have merit.
The <strong>free</strong> keyword tool below is one of the best out there for doing quick research!
(Click Suggest - scroll down to see a TON keword research options)
<form METHOD='POST' ACTION='' target='_blank'><b><font SIZE=-1>Keyword Suggestions for:</font></b><br /><input type='hidden' name='c' value='1'/><input name='keyword' type='text' size=30/><br />
<br /><select name='mkt'><option value='US'>USA </option><option value='UK'>UK </option><option value='AU'>Australia </option><option value='AT'>Austria </option><option value='DK'>Denmark </option><option value='FI'>Finland </option><option value='FR'>France </option><option value='DE'>Germany </option><option value='IT'>Italy </option><option value='NL'>Netherlands </option><option value='NO'>Norway </option><option value='SC'>Scotland </option><option value='ES'>Spain </option><option value='SE'>Sweden </option><option value='CH'>Switzerland </option></select><br /><input type='submit' value='Suggest!'/><br /><font SIZE=-2>By <a HREF=''>Aaron Wall's SEO Book</a></font></form>
<center><a target="_new" href="">Looking for <strong>NICHE Affiliate Programs? </strong> Discover the Top 50 Here!</a></center>