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5 Smart Ways to Collect Emails from Facebook Fans

This is indeed a million dollar question I must say.
Email Marketing is an unbeatable marking tool for generating ROI. But for running an effective email campaign you need a strong email list. You can develop a strong email list in lot many ways like -

1) Conducting a contest over social media
2) offer an incentive
3) Add a standard sign up page
4) Run a co-promotion on facebook
Hey it really helps.. Great info :) After reading this I came to conclusion that I should never fill any contest forms. Really nice idea's :)
5 Smarty-Pants Ways to Collect Emails from Facebook Fans:
1. Add a Standard Sign-Up Form Tab
2. Offer an Incentive
3. Run a Contest
4. Run a Co-Promotion
5. Drive Traffic to your Website

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