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5 Tips To Make People Click On Your Affiliate Links

Making people click on your affiliate links is another step toward conversion. Most people won't click on links unless there is something in there for them. When they see links, they think: “what's in for me.” Below are some tips to get more people to click on your links.

1. Shorten/Customize Your links

Long links are ugly and often arouse suspicions. Short links perform better and get more clicks, but customized links look professional and clean. Customize your link with link branding/shortening tools.

2. State The Problem Your Product Solves In The Hyperlink test.
Optimize your links by using the solution or problem solve as the hyperlink test. E.g. “Invest without worries,” “Let us get you 1k youtube subscribers,” and “Use This Done for You money-making System.” This way you can easily and organically place them within the content.

3. Let Your Article Make Them Want To Click on your link
Write your article in a way that'll make the reader interested to click on your affiliate links. You should write about the benefit of a product or service, then add the link below. Or you can write about the importance of losing weight, being confident, learn a skill, then place a link that could get them that in the content.

4. Don't Use “Buy Now” Except You've Given Lots Of Infor About The Product
Instead of using “buy now” as a call to action in your articles, use “learn more” or “get more details.” using buy now is let trying to make visitors spend money without adequate knowledge of the product. They don't want to buy now, they want to know more about it.

5. Focus On Targeted Traffic
Without targeted traffic, you get a very low amount of clicks and conversions. Targeted traffic will get you 10x more engagement and conversions than non-targeted traffic. To increase your chances of sales, you need to focus on getting targeted traffic.

Using these five tips, you get more clicks to your affiliate links, and more conversions to your affiliate offers. Thanks for reading, and Good luck.