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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

50 Glyph shape (Shapes)



[sales]50 Glyph shape (Shapes)
Get these high quality all vector shape based mobile and Web Icons. You can easily change colors inside PSD or make changes even in shapes. Looks great on all size. Icons Inside- Cart Icon, Search Icon, Key Icon, Food Icon, Camera Icon, Hanger Icon, Recycle Icon, Setting Icon, tea Icon, video Icon, transport Icon, reload Icon, info Icon, cafe Icon, preview Icon, Gift Icon, no Icon, time Icon, Furniture Icon, About Icon, tag Icon, Announcement Icon, Bing Icon, cut Icon, bell Icon, bag Icon, battry Icon, wifi Icon, music Icon,Weather Icon and much more… 3 Color variations It is easy to edit and easy to resize as needed. Ready to use! If you like please Rate…..

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