Jay Wessman
Well-Known Member
A Tip For List Builders: Start Using TWO-STEP Squeeze Pages!
If you're into list building using squeeze pages and aren't already using two-step landing pages (or have no idea what a two-step landing page even is) then you are going to want to read this and implement it right away because it's a dead simple way to get a nice increase in conversions to your opt in pages.
What is a two-step squeeze page?
Traditionally squeeze pages would ask you right away for your email address. They look like this and you've probably seen these types of squeeze pages a million times before.
Example of a one step opt-in page:

A 'two step' opt in page however doesn't ask you for your email address right away but instead asks you to 'download' or 'request' the freebie that you are offering by clicking a button and THEN asking for your email address.
Example of a two step opt-in page:

Why should you use a two-step squeeze page?
Now it might seem counter-intuitive to ask your visitors to perform TWO actions instead of one right? You might think that doing this would result in a lower opt in rate because there's one extra hoop to jump through right?
But it's actually the opposite.
Two step opt in pages usually convert better because when you ask somebody to take a 'little' action first (ie. clicking a button) they are then more likely to take a 'bigger' action (ie. submitting their email address).
And on top of this because you aren't asking for the email address right away - you differentiate yourself from the thousands of squeeze pages that do.
The point is though - it just works.
The proof is in the stats...
In the example squeeze pages above you can see that I've changed pretty much nothing in terms of the wording, images and so on.
The only difference is that one is a single-step opt in page and the other is a two-step opt in page.
However by making this one tiny two-minute tweak I managed to boost my opt-ins by almost 9%:

And I'm starting to implement two step opt in pages to some of the lists for my niche sites and I'm seeing very similar results.
So how can I create a 'two step' opt in page?
Personally I use LeadPages.net which an absolutely kick ass tool for anyone that's serious about list building. It allows you to easy and quickly create high converting squeeze pages, to test variations and of course to create two-step opt ins.
If you have the budget for LeadPages.net it's my #1 recommendation however I realize that this tool will be a bit out of some people's price range with the pro version costing around $500/year (or $67 a month).
You can get the standard version of LeadPages.net for around $300/year however it wont allow you to A/B split testing so that you can easily test multiple squeeze pages to see which one is performing the best.
A much cheaper way to go however would be OptinLinks which is only $37 bucks for a one site licence and $67 for a unlimited site license. Keep in mind though I have NOT used this tool personally but from the promo videos it looks like it creates very similar style squeeze pages to LeadPages but for a MUCH cheaper price.
OptimizePress can also be used to create two step squeeze pages too which has a one off price tag of $197 but again although I've used OptimizePress I have never used it to create two-step squeeze pages so perhaps other members may be able to give some feedback on how good this software is for creating these squeeze pages below.
Or if anyone has any other suggestions for tools that will allow you to create these two step pages then post them below!
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