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Aaron Rants on Google Brand Bias and How it Affects Affiliates

Linda Buquet

New Member
Good stuff from Aaron Wall. Click the link to read it all.

Google Already Getting Torched by Brand Spam

Our "Brand" Stands for 'Anything That Will Make Money'

Want a good example of Google's brand-bias stuff being a bunch of bs? was penalized for having a spammy link profile (in spite of being a brand they were so spammy that they were actually penalized, counter to Google's cultural norm) but a few months later the penalty was dropped, even though some of the spam stuff is still in place.

Those who were hit by Panda are of course still penalized nearly a half-year later, but Overstock is back in the game after a shorter duration of pain & now they are an insurance affiliate.
Aaron Wall doesn't pull any punches - just says it like it is. That's why I love reading his blog. :)