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About Keywords

New Member
I have few doubts regarding keywords

1.How to know correct and good keywords for a site(so that the site can get good ranking in google)?

2.How many keywords can we have for one site?is there any limit?will more keywords create any problem?
There are a few really good tools, both free and paid, that you can use for researching good keywords for your sites. Keyword Elite and, my favorite, Market Samurai, come to mind. The Google Adwords keyword tool is good also.

There isn't a limit, but what you're looking for is keywords that are in high demand, but low supply. You'll need to learn some general SEO techniques to get you going. Primarily, the search engines are looking for good, solid content, and a lot of it.

Base each page around certain keywords. Don't throw a bunch of them into each page; that will only hurt it because the SEs may not understand what that page is about. For example, if your keyword is "Pacific coast luxury resorts," make sure you build the page accordingly.


Tony Thomas
Thanks for the information. while selecting KW do I have to go with impressions or volume? Which ends up in high traffic?:confused:
In selecting keywords I think you should find a right keyword that have low competition and a high number of daily searches.
Choosing the right keywords is the key element in SEO. And only you can know the best suited keywords for your business. While choosing the keywords keep in mind:
Your target audience: think like they would think while searching online
Your business line: What your business is all about. Keywords should describe your business.
Budget: depending upon your budget you can choose keywords and do SEO for them.

There is no limit for the number of keywords you can generate for your website. Normally i make minimum of 200 keywords for my website.