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Adcenter CPA - Email Submit


New Member
Hi all , i'm new to this forum , and thought id start a case study , hopefully i can get some tips and tricks from others ,

i'm using Adcenter to promote the offer , and the offer is from EWA , ive set the budget at $20 a day for now , to see how well it converts and maybe scale it from there , here are the details

Offer : Email Submit
Platform : Adcenter PPC
Keywords : 30 Highly Targeted , not broad
Bid : $0.20

Any questions , please ask :D
Update on the progress , i started the campaign last night so it ran for about 4 hours yesterday , yesterdays statistics :

Impressions : 31
Clicks : 3
Cost : $0.51
CTR : 9.68%
Conversions : 1
Payout : $1.69
Profit : $1.18

So the campaign is in profit straight off the bat , CTR is looking good , but its too early to call it a winner , i will let it run and keep you posted
Yh , i hope it keeps converting , if i can get a few more conversions , ill expand the keywords etc , i'm direct linking straight to the offer and using the dynamic text feature to track keywords straight in the network , only volume is a bit of a problem with adcenter , but i've heard with the correct amount of keyword and adscore it'll get better
Ive had to cancel the campaign , the clicks and impressions slowed down drastically , i'm literally getting 5 impressions , it is quite strange but a lot of my campaigns have had this problem with adcenter , traffic suddenly dies . anybody else experienced this ?
I have the same problem too. I'm also new to cpa and ppc btw. May be because of competitive keywords. Still no idea how to fix this :(
What was your quality score? Also it takes those guys a few days to review your site, so it could start great and slow later.
Not sure you can say the bid is too high without knowing the payout and how much volume compared to conversions. Set you bid then change it to better your conversions and volume.
Doesn't seem like enough stats or traffic to really know. Also you have to bid high on to get really any traffic I have seen. Not really sure if you can be in a money making opportunity there
You should for sure split test using a landing page vs direct linking and compare data to see which works best for you.

Also try PPV traffic. You may have more success here then with the competitive search engines.