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ADCombo Interview


New Member
Hi, I just signed up with AdCombo and I want to know what kind of questions they will ask. If you are a newbie and you don't receive their calls what can you do to contact them besides an email? Please let me know.
You should contact them on Skype. Don't remember what I talked with them but if you are doing affiliate marketing you'll be ok
Hi, I just signed up with AdCombo and I want to know what kind of questions they will ask. If you are a newbie and you don't receive their calls what can you do to contact them besides an email? Please let me know.


Glad you joined AdCombo! Usually our managers will request information about your traffic source and which offers you want to promote.

After signing up you should have received an email with your manager’s contact information. Also you can PM me with your Skype contact info and your manager will reach you :)

Btw, we wrote an article regarding your issue, you may find it useful: