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Adding Home Page To Wordpress RSS Feed to Build Backlinks


New Member
RSS syndication is one of the easiest ways to build more backlinks to your website and pages from your website.

Below is a list of sites you can submit your rss feed to for free:


Add this function at the end of your functions.php file in the theme folder of your wordpress install... where header.php, footer.php are.

Change yourdomain and the anchor text to the "target keywords" for your website.

This will add a link to your homepage at the end of every wordpress post in your RSS feed... so when you syndicate and update your feed in RSS directory type websites... its an automatic backlink to your site.

By default... wordpress "does not" add a link to your homepage in your rss feed! Make sure after you add this function that you don't get any errors on your website. You'll want to make sure you have any closing chars like { } set properly.

PHP Code:

function insertHome($content) {
$content = $content.'Brought to you by yourdomain - <a href="yourdomain" title="anchor text">anchor text</a>';
return $content;
add_filter('the_excerpt_rss', 'insertHome');
add_filter('the_content_rss', 'insertHome');


After you add it submit your rss feed to a directory or view it and you'll see your homepage link! :)

If you already have your RSS feed syndicated very well... this method alone will help you get 100s of instant backlinks!