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Adding TraficHaus [Trafic Source] To Voluum


Active Member
Hey Guyz

I Searched for it but did`nt get any tutorials . so i tried my self and added it successfully .
ok here is the the steps .

1 Go To Your Voluum Account >>
2 Click Traffic Sources >> New Traffic Source .
3 A Window Will Pop-up at Right Bottom .
4 On Name Write : TrafficHaus .
5 Copy your url link from traffichaus account . which is palaced at Tools >> Track Conversions >> Get Server-to-server code .
6 you will see url look like this >>[TRANSACTION_ID]
7 so just put url look like after replacing your PID >>}&id={cid}&zone={zone}&ad={ad}&value=

**xyz is your personal pid in the url .
--ok ?

now put this tokens while clicking on advanced and click Save :)


Yahoooo You Done It :)