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Advice please!


New Member
I have roughly 200 products listed on a UK Internet Directory and have done for the last year.

When I perform a "site:" search on google it shows that 187 pages have been picked up from the directory for my products.

Each of these pages are pointing to my homepage and to individual pages within my own website.

They have phoned asking if I wish to renew for a further year I have had some hits to my site form them throughout the year and a lot of views of my actual products on the directory but money is tight.

Will it be detrimental to my own website if I don't renew and they remove all of those pages from the directory and from google.
I think the answer to this is simple, do you make enough sale from product listed in that directory to pay for renewal of you product listing in that directory, if the answer is yes, then renew, if all you get is just view and people are not actually buying anything from the lead they send you then the answer is no, do not renew.

I once paid about £300+VAT to be listed on, I got a lot of views but I actually never sold anything to those who view from Yell, that tells me that the audience profile of people Yell send to my site are not my target audience so I did not renew.

I advertise as other places where I pay less than and do sell, i tend to renew that.
Its hard to judge we have a few different people answering the phones, not everyone bothers to ask how people have found our company. And quite often people will just say "I found you on google or "I'm looking at your website" and not know the route they took.

From what I can see on my stats I would be surprised if I had not had the odd sale from it.

Really I just want to know if losing a load of pages from google pointing to my site would be a bad move.