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Advice with sweepstakes popunder campaign

Tom Miller

New Member
Hey guys,

So I started my first AM campaign at the beginning of this month and I have to say that I'm struggling to make my campaign profitable.

Here are the details:

Vertical: Sweepstakes
Geo: UK
Tracker: Adsbridge
Traffic Source: Popads (popunder)
Offer: CPL SOI Sweepstakes offer
Payout: $0.85

So over the past 7-10 days I have spent between $15-20 per day on this offer which I feel is more than enough for an offer with this payout.

The offer does convert but I've only managed 12 conversions after sending over $100 worth of traffic.

The first day using popunder traffic I noticed that my budget was used extremely quickly (within a few hours). This was probably due to not filtering the traffic except for the GEO. My initial thoughts on this was that if this type of offer tends to convert better at a certain type of day then this could be a problem as I would never know. Wouldn't it be better to send a more consistent stream of traffic to the offer over a 24 hour period. If so how is this achieved using the popads traffic source? (Throttling perhaps?)

I started noticing a pattern after about day 2 that all my conversions were from a particular type of internet traffic and a particular category of website. So I altered my campaign to only send traffic to this internet connection type and website category.

Again I would get a couple of conversions the following day but no drastic change. My next guess was to look at the websites that were converting and just target those websites. Same result consistently getting a few conversions but definitely not a positive ROI.

I'm at a bit of a loss now since I've spent over $100 on this offer and I'm not sure how much more to spend on it. The offer does convert but not enough to make a profit using this traffic source. Of course this may be a newb error and I may not be optimizing correctly. Maybe my bidding is not working - maybe I should be bidding more on the websites that are converting? Should I try a different offer or should I persist with this one?

Any help guidance would be much appreciated based on the above. If you want any more information let me know.

