I was wondering approximately how long does it normally take newbies to get from creating their first website to their first sale? I have my first website up, but haven't gotten any good traffic yet. (but it has only been 2 days, so I'm not that worried) Here are a few questions:
1- Do you pay for keywords to get people to come to the site first? Or do you generate your own traffic and then get several weeks of content first, and then buy keywords?
2- How long does it normally take for affiliate programs to approve you? I haven't had approval from any, but some I jsut signed up for yesterday. Just wondering if I just wasn't approved, or if I just haven't waited long enough?
Thanks! You guys have been great with getting me started! I love this forum!
1- Do you pay for keywords to get people to come to the site first? Or do you generate your own traffic and then get several weeks of content first, and then buy keywords?
2- How long does it normally take for affiliate programs to approve you? I haven't had approval from any, but some I jsut signed up for yesterday. Just wondering if I just wasn't approved, or if I just haven't waited long enough?
Thanks! You guys have been great with getting me started! I love this forum!