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Affiliatefixers' items


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Where can I get like these? Are they even available??
I've seen such idea on another forum, they sell items with the forums' logo, and I think those items worth it ...
Are there similar items for Affiliatefix?


- Samira
Those t-shirts are infringing unless they are licensed.
Without a registered trademark it is just harder to sue --but you can under common law.
You missed my point entirely ;)
This site has a word and image mark
Aaah, now I get it!!
I mean .. you can work on having a licence, no? Isn't it worthy?
It would be a way for members to support the community .. Also, it can be given away for the good contributors in the community .. like .. the ones who make worthy follow alongs or case studies .. etc

- Samira
Those t-shirts are infringing unless they are licensed.
Without a registered trademark it is just harder to sue --but you can under common law.
You missed my point entirely ;)
This site has a word and image mark