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Affiliates - New Free Tool to Boost SEO

Linda Buquet

New Member
Regardless of the primary method you use to drive traffic to your affiliate site, you still need to pay attention to basic SEO in order to get all the free traffic you can from the search engines.

There's a new tool called <strong><a href="">WooRank</a></strong> that can help you analyze numerous aspects of your site performance, compliance, off page and on page SEO. I just tried it for 5 Star and it's really quite comprehensive. See the screen shot below PLUS at the bottom of this post are other comparable tools you can add to your SEO arsenal.

<strong>NOTE to Affiliate Managers</strong> - This would also be a great tool for doing a quick check of affiliate sites as it shows Whois, Alexa, backlinks and other helpful data all on one page.
<strong><a href="">How search-engine-friendly is your website</a>?</strong>

WooRank is breaking new ground… In one single click it will analyze your website for conformance to SEO best practices and show how it ranks against the competition. Its real-time report consisting of 50 criteria in 6 different sections will help you to instantly spot critical issues that impact traffic, usability and lead generation.

5 Star scored 69 out of an average rank of 49. So the site is better than average, but I was able to see at a glance the areas I still need to work on.

<strong>WooRank for - Click to Enlarge</strong>
<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-3750" title="woorank" src="" alt="woorank" width="150" height="150" /></a>​

<strong>Other SEO Checkers and Optimization Tools</strong>

<a href="" target="_blank">Website Grader</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">HitTail</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">LotusJump</a>
Interesting. I did note some errors in the report, though, when testing it on one of my sites (e.g., it erroneously indicates no DMOZ listing).