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AI Replaces some dating and webcam sites?


Well-Known Member
Could an AI platform like Emotica replace traditional dating sites?

It depends on what people are seeking;
  • authentic meetups
  • or simply engaging online interactions.
In the past, prior to the AI explosion, we often discussed the concept of a robot "live" webcam site, and now it seems possible to generate real-time video with AI. Years ago this was just a "Jetson's space-cams plan." However, today this seems possible in the near future.

Platforms like Emotica, using AI technology, could create virtual webcam performers that not only appear lifelike but also talk and respond dynamically, offering a cost-competitive alternative to current adult webcam and adult dating websites and redefining how people connect online.
**Emotica does not list an affiliate program (that I see)
ChatGPT 4o inputs:
The ethical, social and psychological concerns are well, concerning. I'm mostly referring to the authenticity vs fantasy aspect and the privacy data.

But I doubt that will stop somebody from using it as a business model, at some point. I'm sure it would be cheaper to run and easier to create content.

I'm still waiting for the Jane Jetson machine that I can just stick my head into and come out with hair and makeup done. :D
I'm still waiting for the Jane Jetson machine that I can just stick my head into and come out with hair and makeup done. :D
In your next life maybe.

I read this at slashdot yesterday
here is the original article:
Most Men Would Marry Their AI Girlfriends If It Were Legal

JD Vance does not approve
You can still meet more people daily by going out, engaging others, exploring new places and opportunities. Proximity still plays a roll and therefore most of those one meets online when seeking someone would find they could still meet those same individuals in nearby social settings if they made the effort.

That said, I met Karen online! :rofl

Max Joseph Online Dating GIF by mtv
From the article: “AI companionship allows people to be their authentic selves without fear of judgment,

My grandma and grandpa did that with each other, without any AI. I currently know three couples who also do that - with and for each other. No AI involved.

Also from the article: "What’s even scarier is that a whopping 78% of men surveyed said they would consider creating a replica of their ex, and three-quarters would duplicate their current partner to create a “polished” version of them."

Okay, so the guys that don't want judgement are judging. Got it. Their exes or girlfriends aren't good enough as they are.

Does lead me to wonder what the men surveyed think they have to offer, as it doesn't sound like companionship without fear of judgement is on the list.

All-in-all, that article serves as a cautionary tale, I suppose. It does mention all this being a slippery slope and the potential for creating people doubles and such.

Oh, I also wonder if the survey respondents were seriously serious, or it was more a matter of "a girl can dream" type of wishful (wistful?) thinking that they wouldn't actually do if it came down to it?
You can still meet more people daily by going out, engaging others, exploring new places and opportunities.
Totally agree. Hard to believe that face-to-face meeting people (for any reason) has basically gone the way of the landline phone, relegated to the annals of history.

That said, I met Karen online! :rofl
Thumbs Up And that worked out. But at some point, you obviously met in person and - this is total presumption on my part - Karen is not an AI robot.

My bff also met her now husband online and they're perfectly matched. Oh, I forgot to include them in my couples count in my post above, so I know four couples that are themselves and open with each other. It's a pretty big secret how they manage that but I'll spill the beans here: they talk to each other.
The survey was of users of the "virtual relationship site" so the sample pool was not balanced. :D

This thing is going to crush it in < 10 years. The machine will be the psychological and virtual video plaything --and on the cheap.
Sure, it leads nowhere but to a cheap thrill. But that is how the webcam sites work now, sans the AI aspect.

I like the telegraph sound effects or is that a noisy fan?

Sora AI. I had to reduce the quality and file size of the gif for this board
I invented her from a similar prompt.
It's entertainment to me --to the market we shall see.

at some point, you obviously met in person

That's one of the things most don't do as frequently as they should when meeting online. They, instead, keep playing an online game of tag. Karen I met a week after first connecting. It's the only way to see if you're a good fit and to confirm you both are real. That's where [proximity comes in. If you quite a distance apart you both get to know what distances you may be willing to travel in a relationship. Karen and I were 40 miles apart, but she was willing to spend 3.5 days a week at home and 3.5 days a week at my place. She worked 4 day weeks and I worked 7 day weeks. That really made it work for us.