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Alexa ranking method changed



We listened to your suggestions, and we believe that our new rankings system is much closer to what you asked for. We now aggregate data from multiple sources to give you a better indication of website popularity among the entire population of Internet users.


The ranking of UK WW seems to have taken a hit, it is now ranked at 84,734 down from around 28,000 last time i checked. Has this change affected your alexa ranking as well?
yeah my tottenham site has taken a big one, it was sitting at around 250k which isnt bad for a sports site where there isnt many webmasters about, its now dropped to over 500k, not that it mean that much to me but still i dont like dropping in anything :shifty:
yeah my tottenham site has taken a big one, it was sitting at around 250k which isnt bad for a sports site where there isnt many webmasters about, its now dropped to over 500k, not that it mean that much to me but still i dont like dropping in anything :shifty:

Seems like your site was really popular among alexa toolbar users. Anyway, nobody likes to see their site's ranking drop even if it is something as meaningless as alexa ranking.
Alexa - why care - i had a newly made site started with a rank of 8 milloin - within 3 weeks of installing the alexa bar - my rank jumped to 600,000 - with a ranking system which is so easy to manipulate - why bother!

Who outside the webmaster or tech group knows what alexa is? If i were to ask my non - net-savvy brethren - they wont know the site (Alexa) existed!

If i am evaluating a site - do i give a value what the current alexa rank is? NOT!
Alexa - why care - i had a newly made site started with a rank of 8 milloin - within 3 weeks of installing the alexa bar - my rank jumped to 600,000 - with a ranking system which is so easy to manipulate - why bother!

If i am evaluating a site - do i give a value what the current alexa rank is? NOT!

It might not be perfect, but it still is a factor among many others which should be taken into account when considering a site for purchase or sponsorship.
how much weightage do u give to alexa ranking - when u know it is so easy to manipulate - when buying a site?

It might not be perfect, but it still is a factor among many others which should be taken into account when considering a site for purchase or sponsorship.
how much weightage do u give to alexa ranking - when u know it is so easy to manipulate - when buying a site?

Depends on the actual alexa ranking if it is within top 50k it does gets some point provided that there is no sudden spikes in the graph and traffic is somewhat evenly spread between various countries. Like i said in my previous post, it is just one factor to be considered among other factors. Also, i think it is quite easy to spot manipulated alexa ranking if you do your due diligence properly.