I have alienguidetoplanetearth.com and I want to sell it, it has been around since 25-Mar-2004, mostly with a website. I have 60+ domain names that I just want to sell, and this is one of them.
313 people visited this site
75.08%Search Traffic 235 Visits
13.10%Referral Traffic 41 Visits
11.82%Direct Traffic
It has generated some income using adsense, but I have no numbers to provide you.
It was always a hope that we would find Alien Life, or it would find us.
Please make me an offer.
I have alienguidetoplanetearth.com and I want to sell it, it has been around since 25-Mar-2004, mostly with a website. I have 60+ domain names that I just want to sell, and this is one of them.
313 people visited this site
75.08%Search Traffic 235 Visits
13.10%Referral Traffic 41 Visits
11.82%Direct Traffic
It has generated some income using adsense, but I have no numbers to provide you.
It was always a hope that we would find Alien Life, or it would find us.
Please make me an offer.