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Amberen is offering DOUBLE COMMISSIONS until April 15th! Earn at least $50 per sale


New Member
Program Statistics:
? $50 per risk-free trial sign up and $50 per sale.
? 13.67% average conversion rate*
? 7 days EPC: $389.83**
? Cookie Length: 30 days

*Average conversion rate is based on May 2010 results. **Google Affiliate Network EPC on June 11, 2010

Amberen is an all natural, safe, and effective product for menopause relief. Backed by more than 30 years of clinical trials, we can proudly say, Amberen works (and with no side effects)!

We typically offer our affiliates $25 per sale, even for free trial sign ups, but from now until April 15th, 2011, Amberen will be offering it?s affiliate?s an increased payout of $50 per sale on all sales.

Menopause relief is a multibillion dollar market in the U.S. alone, and our product grew 800% this year while maintaining an unparalleled 92.6% customer satisfaction rate! It?s a monotherapy that provides safe, all-natural solutions no other company can offer. We literally own the technology!

Merchant Name: Amberen
Network: Google, Share a Sale, Commission Junction

Google Signup Page:
Share a Sale Signup Page: and Lunada Biomedical
Commission Junction Signup Page:

Brand New Materials:
? Banner ads
? Email creative
? Landing pages
? Free personalized/pre-created CSS/XHTML web templates
? Free Mobile landing pages and support
? Free SEO, SEM, and Web Development support
? Free SEO, SEM and Web Development blog at SEO FOR AFFILIATES | SEO, SEM, Web Development and Affiliate Marketing Tutorials & Tactics | Los Angeles

Competitive Advantage:
? Full payout for Risk Free Trials
? Money-back guarantee
? Free expert nurse consultation for all customers
? National advertising support (radio and TV)
? Proven safety (30+ years of clinical trials)
? Proven satisfaction

Allowed Promotional Methods:
? Email Marketing
? Banners
? Articles
? Impressions

Corporate Website: Lunada Biomedical | Natural Anti-Aging Products, Dietary Supplements and Alternative Medicines
Product Website: Amberen: Natural HRT Alternative for Menopause Symptom Relief | Official Site

Google Signup Page:

Share a Sale Signup Page: and Lunada Biomedical

Commission Junction Signup Page: