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Any one else seen this ?

Never head of him Adam sorry, maybe he is not popular or notorious enough to register on my radar.
A lot of people are saying its Rand fishkin and matt cuts that are behind the recent penalties.
Never head of him Adam sorry, maybe he is not popular or notorious enough to register on my radar.

lol no to worry temi , i personally dont listen to him but as mrcrowley said it does look like him and matt cutts have something to do with it, ive heard that Rand doesnt like directory's and matt cutts is listening to him.
A lot of people are saying its Rand fishkin and matt cuts that are behind the recent penalties.

It could well be, it could also be people using the new 'report a site selling links' form that G introduced a few months back.
From my experience, Google dislike Directories, especially popular directories... they usually get PR0 or deindexed so It nothing new or unexpected.

The trick is never have a directory that is popular enough to attract G's attention.