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Are You Targeting Long-Tail Keywords?


New Member
Most of our main pages (ie: homepages) are the targets of our main
"generic keywords". But if you begin to create sub pages (blog posts
are terrific for this) for your long-tail keywords, you will be able
to benefit from those searchers who are looking for very specific items.

The main difference between your main (or generic) keywords an the
long-tail is this: One is a user typically doing research, either before
they purchase, or for general information, so they search for a general
term. The long-tail keywords are the visitor who knows what they want,
and so they are looking for that specific item/information - and are
most likey the visitor ready to buy.

A main or generic keyword/keyphrase is:
  • Green Widget
A long-tail keyword/keyphrase is:
  • Green 5800 Ultimate Fighter Widget
Using your server logs (or other stat trackers, has
a great free one) to check which keywords are being used, you can
find your long-tails.
As in any keyword research, the hard part is to discover "untapped good" ones.
I find that if the content text is well written and comprehensive in descriptive terms, it will automatically project Long Tail Terms. It is then up to the SEO Skill to maximise this richly termed text content using the normal scoring zones within a well structured web page. The real skill is in the art of balancing the SEO so that in chasing the Long Tail Terms, the 2 word terms don't get diluted.
Long tail keyword SEO is the "hidden gem" of SEO marketing. This is one of the most ignored techniques but it works very, very well. With most websites you will find that the majority of their traffic comes from obscure long tail keywords and not the most searched terms. This is because long tail keywords have a numbers advantage (there are more of them), even though they are searched less often on an individual basis.