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Article Taken from Website and Placed in Article Directories...


New Member
Hey guys:

I'm just about ready to hit the panic button here.

The last couple weeks - I've been taking my client's articles that were posted on his site and putting them in article directories like EZA and Goarticles (yes - I did get the client's permission). This wasn't done to rank high in the SERPs since we're in the top five of the first page on at least four competitive niches. I was doing this to get more referral traffic.

Anyway, I thought that duplicate content wouldn't hurt your website - then I read this today: http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5...e-your-website-rankings-google.html#post73803

So what do you think? Should I yank the articles???
No. No need to worry.

I'm not sure whether the claim in that post is correct or not but it has to do with Google Local and Google Places being associated with two or more physical addresses or businesses. Nothing to do with duplicate content.
I think that you shouldn't post those articles because they will no longer be quality articles and this can hurt your client's ranking a lot since Google is focusing less on websites with non quality (non unique) content. This is my opinion, and I may be wrong but in your place I wouldn't do it. ;)