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Articles gone from Search Results!!!??


New Member
I have a question:

I had 3 hubs and 2 squids and 5 usfreeads that were on page 1 on Google for different KW's, which were in the title and had good kw density throughout, for over a week and NOW they ARE GONE COMPLETELY, not even page 2 or 3 JUST GONE from the search results for those KW's.


Google has really been shaking up their algo lately, so not sure. You know back in July squidoo got a big Google slap. Maybe they are slapping all the social sites that so many spammers are starting to abuse. Maybe those pages just got sand boxed and will come back. You never know, could be a temporary shift and in 2 days all your rankings come back.

Sorry, I know it's frustrating.
IT IS FRUSTRATING, and the worst part is not knowing the FIX!

But I will tell you that another squid lens (written by someone else) with the same KW is still there (in the results) and I was the next result after it before but now I am GONE GONE GONE.

I think you maybe right about google slap due to spammers,and maybe affiliate links, but I am very careful, I write VERY informative content rich articles and I only put my link in the bottom (like the resource box on ezinearticles format) where I put if you'd like to learn more click here...
But I do know that HUB pages flags hubs that use excessive CB links and if you have more than like 2 in your hub they won't publish it, they send you an email and say it is too convoluted with affil links and tell you to edit and resubmit. That happened once and I fixed it to only have the one link and they approved it.

Thanks Linda,
THIS SUCKS!! Makes me not want to even use the those sites anymore as I put in so much effort and then it's just dead.
"I think you maybe right about google slap due to spammers,and maybe affiliate links, but I am very careful,"

Didn't mean to imply you weren't careful or were a spammer - just that when the spammers take over and ruin a traffic vehicle, it can ruin it for all the good guys too if G devalues all the links or whatever. If another is still there not you, can you tell when that one was published? How many links it has? That could possibly tell you why they are up and you aren't. Then again it could just be a fluke too.

Over time, after you live through many Google ups and downs it gets easier.
If you were a farmer you could lose your crop to insects or drought, in this business one of the biggest challenges is the big G. Can't change it so just need learn to live with it as much as you can and diversify enough to handle the drops.
Didn't mean to imply you weren't careful or were a spammer - just that when the spammers take over and ruin a traffic vehicle, it can ruin it for all the good guys too if G devalues all the links or whatever. If another is still there not you, can you tell when that one was published? How many links it has? That could possibly tell you why they are up and you aren't. Then again it could just be a fluke too.

Oh I know you didn't Linda, I was just saying that I was careful,

Not sure when it was published probably its very old because it's like 800 under the category which means its been there for a while. BUT I will tell you this I just read that squid and it's nothing BUT adds for the product which is hyperlinked under the KW and the KW is hyperlinked to links for the product he's selling like 20 times throughout the page. So as far as "quality content" goes there is none, just affiliate links.

But he's got the KW bolded like 7 times as headers for little intros into the next picture ad and hyperlink.

In contrast my squid is an article that gives detailed step-by-step for the KW and while I do have the KW in there many times it is NOT constantly bolded and there is only one hyperlink with the KW at the bottom in bold.

So this maybe the reason that Google left his, when it crawled his site it read those h1 tags in bold and picked up the KW more than in mine.

BUT that Squid doesn't GIVE any good content for the KW, if I was searching for that KW and I landed on his page I would click off right away because it's just an advertisement.
So I still prefer "quality content" that is helpful to people and will make it more likely for them to actually read through and want to click on my prod link. But then again if no one gets to see it then it's all pointless anyway.

I think I might go and edit my Squid Page and add a couple of h1 and bolds to the KW and see if that makes any difference. What do you think?
You should be concentrating on building your OWN sites - not someone else's

Actually Rob this is BUM marketing which is great for those of us who cannot yet afford full blown sites, or maybe just want the INVALUABLE experience that BUM gives, WITHOUT any COST WHATSOEVER, ALL FREE.

And the purpose of BUM is not really building anyone else's sites it is just a way to earn a living (many people do without ever getting their own site), get the experience of actually marketing a product and getting traffic, and to generally learn this business without any risks . And then they use that money and experience to build up and reinvest into something more personal and grand which can be costly and is much better going into with the experience gained with BUM.

That is my experience anyway!
I remember a couple years ago when 5 Star got dropped and looked like it was banned. I freaked out. This is my livelihood. That was a big update where a ton of sites got dropped. I remember the strongest advice people were giving then is that if you know you didn't do anything wrong, no hidden text or anything, then DON'T make changes just try to ride it out. For awhile at least. If it was an oops you could come back on top in a week. It took about a month but my site came back stronger than before.

Have you checked some of the other data centers
to see if the results are the same there?
No I have only checked Google, data centers??? sorry not familiar with that term.

Thanks Linda, for sharing the story, I am not going to make a bunch of changes I have spent the whole day on this basically just trying to get a grasp of what is going on, mostly so that I am prepared for future writing and campaigns.

I only went in and bolded the subtitles and bolded a couple of my KW. All in all I know I stuck to all the guidelines that work for article marketing, as far as good relevant low comp KW, and KW in titles and in body etc.. and most important I know that I wrote valuable original content,that I believe anyone looking for those KW would be happy to land on and I am just going to keep going forward. All this has worked for me in the past and so hopefully this is just a fluke or Google has PMS (sorry I had to say that! :D )
If you can't afford hosting, why not go around to a few webmaster forums and offer to write cheap content - maybe 300 words for $5 or something like that.

You would have $200 in your paypal account after a few days.

Then all you need to do is find a host that accepts paypal.


Also, what type of products are you selling through your current efforts? I REALLY hope not clickbank products.
Only one CB products but mostly other service and products direct from established merchants many of those from CJ.

It's not that I can't afford hosting, I just meant that BUM marketing is a good venue for those who do not have or want to spend ANY money as they are beginning in this biz.

I have a site that I spend a lot of time doing SEO for, which, in large part falls under Article Marketing for backlinks, which is starting to have an impact on my serps, as well as, being a great targeted traffic source for my site because I use relevant targeted KW. Because many quality article sites rank high in the serps it is a great and fast source of targeted traffic for my site, and in turn it is also in line with the long term goal of SEO.
yeah because everytime you will be have something to search for new data center goes along giving different result compared to the first result...