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Ban Websites in 7 search


AffKit Ninja
Today i begun with my 7 search campaign, i had like 15 clcicks in my landing and 0 clickthroughs. then i checked prosper 202 and all referers except one where sites (i can not post any link), that cosist of and od kind of search engine whose results are a list of ads, and all 14 referers are the same website but with different domain and different background image. Then in a single keyword i had 13% of CTR (position 2) and all clicks except one were websites of this kind. The other referer was a dressup website.

My question is: do this kind of sites convert or i have to ban them all now without having to waste a lot of clicks?

In the other keywords i had like 0,05 or 0,11% CTR (keywods with searches and position 4 or 5 ), is this normal or i have to rewrite my ads?
today i received better traffic (and i cannot still ban) i put the tracking code of seven search in the signup success page, butthe tracking didn't register any conversion after getting 2 emails that have been recorded by tracking 202 and aweber. one email confirmed but did not convert, and the other was fake.
I submited a request to be able to ban, the problem is that there are a lot of websites that only had a click so right now i can only ban 30% of the traffic i received, and i guess that 80% is junk. So i will have to wait more to have the campaign clean. Do i will have to go throught this process again when i create another campaign about another submit, or once i ban the initial junk, all the campaigns will begin with clean traffic?
I have seen that the adult dating has 30 times more traffic than a submit about ipad for example, but a top bid of 0,32, the you can also bid 0,05 but you go at the tenth or eleventh position, and i'm sure that there will be a lot of junk here, and this added to the fact that dating is more difficult to convert it makesme think that you need a bigger budget to run adult dating offers (although they have 5 times more payout).
It depends on you how you ban the IDs. You can either ban for the whole account level or just on a campaign level. If you don't have the option to block IDs on a campaign level, than ask 7search to activate it for you.
Is there a reason why you wouldn't go over $0.08? For some keywords I'm seeing people bidding even $0.25...
It depends what sort of offer your pushing, if your pushing a email sub by the time you pay 0.25 cpc, you'll be doing amazing if you nearly break even!