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Seeking Help Bemob didn't track referrers correctly


New Member
So I have a domain with over 50 landing pages (e.g., domain(.)com/lp-1, domain(.)com/lp-2, domain(.)com/lp-3, etc.), all redirecting to the same offer. I want to track how many leads each landing page generates in only 1 campaign.

Bemob can show "Referres" so I expect to see each landing page’s results separately, like this:
domain(.)com/lp-1 2 leads
domain(.)com/lp-2 3 leads
However, Bemob only shows the root domain, domain(.)com, rather than breaking it down by individual landing pages.

Here's my setup:
  1. Traffic Source: my traffic is original Google search, not paid ads, so I created a new source and left the External ID and Cost parameters blank.
  2. Landing Page: I write domain(.)com in the URL box. More than 50 landing pages, I couldn't write one-by-one so I just wrote a root domain here.
  3. I used a Landing Pixel to redirect to the offer.
What is wrong with my setup? Thanks in advance!
Maybe @Maxim Denisov from Bemob will pop in to help you with that.

I used Bemob a few years back but didn't use it the way you're asking about. From reading your set up, assuming I'm understanding you correctly, you inserted your root domain to track, rather than listing the individual pages to track. So, that's what it's giving back to you. In your subIDs, are you able to use a code to have it report the page link, name or extension?

I'm definitely not a tracking pro, so hopefully others can chime in here, too.
add key=mypage_path
track the value of 'key' <<configure to get key and sort it by the page value

Ex: b_203.html
then sort by page you should get that line data.

<!-- Landing Page Tracking Setup -->

<!-- Basic tracking pixel with page path parameter -->
  // Get the current page path
  const pagePath = window.location.pathname;
  // Construct tracking URL with page path parameter
  const trackingUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(pagePath);
  // Create and append tracking pixel
  const pixel = new Image();
  pixel.src = trackingUrl;

<!-- Example URL structures that will be tracked -->
<!-- → key=mypage_path&value=/lp-1 → key=mypage_path&value=/lp-2 → key=mypage_path&value=/b_203.html

//my note:  b_203 is for .b/203 to comply with allowed URL query string characters

You will have to test the pixel tracking in Bemob, here is how read the documentation should this error.

add key=mypage_path
track the value of 'key' <<configure to get key and sort it by the page value
Thank you, so from what I understand. TrackingURL = CTA URL to offer (ex:6g5kf(.)bemobtrcks(.)com/click/1?). I have to add a page_path parameter to URL so Bemob can track page path.

My question is: Where do I define this page_path parameter in BeMob? Should I add it in the Traffic Source settings (in Custom 1) to ensure BeMob recognizes it?

Edit: I asked Bemob and they said `It is not possible to pass data in CTA URL and store it in a column in BeMob.`
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Define your problem better:
  • how many pages do you need to track?
  • how many AD campaigns are you using?
  • does the offer allow you to add a subid=?
Explain your logic in sorting the results if you could sort by a page id?

see:Adding BeMob Click URLs would this work?

this could me modified
// Construct tracking URL with page path parameter
  const trackingUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(pagePath);

You could split off the page file name with a JavaScript that could be included (php, jquery, etc)
so key=1234 and that key and values 'should' be able to be passed to the tracker

If you have to (and allowed to buy the ad network) force a onClick event to track.

The simplest way (if you understand how to) is to extract the data you want from your server log directly and then database the findings on a crontab --The data is already there.
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Define your problem better:
  • how many pages do you need to track?
  • how many AD campaigns are you using?
  • does the offer allow you to add a subid=?
Thank you so much! Your suggestion to add a page_path parameter to the URL helped me solve my problem. Turns out, I didn’t need to use BeMob after all. My network allows me to add parameters at the end of the offer URL (e.g., &aff_sub4=). So, by setting some javascript codes, I can make aff_sub4=page_path. it will pass data to the network, where I can track it easily.
I would also use GA4 to track the user activity on the landing pages.
Bounces, engaged sessions, and click events;
This will give you a more complete picture when comparing the effectiveness of multiple landing pages for the same offer.

I used to use a xhr JavaScript (AJAX)
here's an AI example of the code (type)

This is a middleman to validate the other stats you are using showing the actual events by the users on your landing pages --including what link position they clicked to continue to the offer --giving you landing page optimization hints for optimization.

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