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“AdsEmpire”/Direct Affiliate

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My recommendation is, stop fucking around and go for networks with a proven track record, who've been around for the longest time :cool:. This is a business that changes way fast, so many have fallen, disappeared and dragged affiliates down with them *cough* EWA *cough*... so yeah, this is like the hunger games of marketing.

If they've been around for years and don't have unpaid affiliates complaining all over, that is a pretty good sign. And if you're a beginner, you can't afford to get in bed with a network that is gonna screw you... and not in the good way :p

I don't know about affiture, but I know A4D, Clickdealer, Peerfly, Neverblue, Matomy are solid and hundreds of affiliates agree. Each one of the well known networks has their own strengths and top verticals/niches, it really comes down to what and how you wanna promote.

Cheers and best of luck
