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Best Free Keyword Tools You May Not Know About

Linda Buquet

New Member
Chad over at the <a href="">CDF Networks blog</a> just posted about the fact that MSN is leading the pack right now - when it comes to releasing innovative, insightful new keyword tools. Here are 2 of the 5 tools he shares from <a href="">Adcenter Labs</a> that he's finding to be beneficial for search marketing.

<blockquote>"<strong><a href="" target="_blank">Demographics predictor</a></strong> You type in a keyword, and it shows you the predicted demographics of who might be searching for this term. That is really important information for targeting you campaigns and ads, as well as good data to use for Google content network targeting;)

<strong><a href="" target="_blank">Entity Association Graph</a> </strong> This one is really cool. Type in a keyword and the tool show other entries that co-occur within the same user session. You can adjust your hop levels and edge strength with sliders. This kind of info is gold for search marketers."</blockquote>

Head over to read the rest: "<strong><a href="">The best free keyword tools you?ve never used</a></strong>". He has a good screen shot, plus reading the comments can provide additional insight as readers leave their ideas and feedback.
I just played with a couple tools using terms I was curious about, but didn't have 1st hand knowledge about the actual volumes or trends to know how close it came.

The thing is with all the keyword tools, prediction tools, traffic tools out there (example Alexa) they all show different results and results that can be skewed by a variety of factors. So I use them all as an 'indicator' of possible results but not a solid guide to base decisions on.