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Best LBS 1.1 Directory


New Member
Those who did not see the original post announcing Link Bid should take notice of this post.

The directory is worth checking out. Not only is the review price very low at $1, I think the site is the best looking LBS 1.1 I have ever seen.

Its worth checking out.
That defo looks like the best so far. Well done to him.

Our LBS site is on the way and not far off from launching!
Now I am offended a little... Is my site kwTgs considered LBS 1.1?

Agree, Andrew did a good job on his site but I tried hard too... :(
Hey Skinner, frankly your directory is the bees knees, I don't want to burn any bridges here. Is there anything I can do in return?
AndrewE, i have just bought my first link for bosscart and it was at your site:)