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Best Plan of Attack

King Conga

Active Member
I'm coming back here after a LONG hiatus, however, I have acquired a little more savvy since last I visited. I will say that ever since I got in the water about at the knees I knew there was a way to combine different approaches for their maximum effect. Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware that folks like Linda have forgotten 10X's more than I've even hoped to learn.

Having said that, my new idea is to create a kind of niche marketing mall for a particular demographic full of like-minded affiliate sites. It would be sub-divided into tabs within that demographic, and have weekly specials for visitors to check out. In addition, I would try to write a weekly blog at HubPages for more traffic. I would find like-minded groups on F'book, take out free (LEGIT) ads on CraigsList, and other free sites.

My question to any of the affiliate marketing vets here is what other tricks and devices would you use to drive traffic?
Hey George, welcome back! And thanks for that compliment.

Could you give us an analogy? Maybe if we had a better picture we could help you more. Don't give away your niche or even something too close but just a different niche. So if new Moms was the demographic, you could use fisherman, and talk about how the site was for fishing enthusiasts or whatever. You know, paint us a pic that asks more specific Qs without giving away your niche?
With something like that I would use search engines and social networks.
Craigslist is okay but I don't think it would get as many hits as facebook would. I would also find mom groups online and advertise there. Shopping forums, coupon sites etc all would help.

You could also do some offline marketing as well. Put up flyers in grocery stores. Make them yourself so you don't have to pay someone to do it. Put ads in parenting magazines etc.

I can't give ya any of my secret tricks, lol.