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Bid All Your Links - Doubled!



To celebrate new upgrade of script and template at Bid All Your Links - Home i will double all links for next 48 hours or so.

Get your bids in now! If you want to add to any of your existing bids the ammount you bid will be doubled too!

Some of the changes:

Updated to newest version of LBS.
Applied manic template.
Added some new images including new logo to template.
SEO tweaks involving title and meta tags.
Other minor modifications.
Modified right bar and added adsense.

Rep appreciated (this may be good for you too as i always get the spread more rep around message).

Nice idea....!!!

Submitted Midland Internet

Waitng approval and "double" cheers.
Your bidding directory is doing increadibly well SEO wise, I keep seing it when I am doing research on bidding related topics in Google. I will add a few links shortly :)
BTW, i will be placing a bid that will take me past Letsgo-Tenerife Villas and Apartments , I know the owner of that link, I look forward to NOT bidding again him :)
Your bidding directory is doing increadibly well SEO wise, I keep seing it when I am doing research on bidding related topics in Google. I will add a few links shortly :)
Thanks it seems my seo tweaks have paid off. I learned a thing or 2 when optimising my general directory :)
BTW, i will be placing a bid that will take me past Letsgo-Tenerife Villas and Apartments , I know the owner of that link, I look forward to NOT bidding again him :)
All links have been doubled :)

Congrats on becoming the new link leader!

I think the owner of that link won't be bidding against you :)

If i missed any they will be doubled and approved shortly.

Apart from the latest link i added i already have one other..if i up my bid on that would that be doulbled?
I think being redirected to a page that has nothing to do with your link bid directory is annoying and confusing. I was taken to IE Delivery and I thought I have not bought anything that needs to be delivered etc etc... its probably one of those exit pages.... I find them confusing and very annoying. After than I wan invited to login etc. Why not a simple page that just thank me for my link bid and then invite me to click on IE delivery and any other stuff you wish to sell me?
Sites that forces me to where I don't want to go I tend to give a wide berth when I am thinking of buying stuff such site sell.
Sorry about the ie delivery thing. It's not meant to be a way of trying to sell you something. Its something i had in place for before it became a directory (a content delivery program), i had completely forgotten about it. Did you see it on previous bids or just this time?

I'm going to remove it so you won't see it again.

Grats on retaking top spot ;)
I guess it only happens when you bidup a link and not on an initial purchase. Anyway its been removed now :)