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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

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Excellent offer Adam, would be adding a few sites but would you be kind enough to add a "Outdoors" or relate category. I want to add a clients site, the client make Yurts, so a category near to that will be excellent.

And a second site I would be adding sell Boats Canoes etc so outdoors should describe the two sites
Thanks temi "Out Doors" category now added, If anyone else requires another category please let me know i will add it asap :D
Just bought two inclusions, one suggestion; after payment, find a way of redirecting customer to a page, maybe a thank you page or something like that. At the moment, after payment, you just get stuck at paypal or you are offered to be taken info you paypal account. You could use this page to promote some of your other sites or even the same site again :)
Just bought two inclusions, one suggestion; after payment, find a way of redirecting customer to a page, maybe a thank you page or something like that. At the moment, after payment, you just get stuck at paypal or you are offered to be taken info you paypal account. You could use this page to promote some of your other sites or even the same site again

Thanks temi your sites are approved and doubled :)

Great suggestion ill look it to it this afternoon thanks again temi rep added :cool: