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“Adavice”/  “CPA releases Blog


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The Address of our Blog has been corrected as the links listed below

We have now released our Blog with our first post already up and running!

Visit our Blog or go directly to our first post
For the purposes of what you and I discussed about your blog Vic, Blogs - Bidding Directory would have been a much better location for your blog.
The way its installed now, its a completely new site you have started. Good luck anyway.
Had a hiccup installing as that - for some reason it worked with ease as a sub domain but came up with Unknown column 'wp' in 'where clause' when trying to load as a sub folder to actual domain!

Any suggestions always welcome
Sussed it, not sure what I sussed but moved the files over from the sub domain to that address and changed the location and it works bloody marvelously.

Thanks for mentioning that Temi. If you hadn't it probably would've remained there!

Big smiles