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Bing: Things you should avoid



Bing: Things you should avoid
by Duane Forrester

As you go about working on your websites, optimizing things and managing your social media programs, it’s easy to lose track of information, or overlook something. In this post we’ll take a look at some things you want to avoid doing. It may also be worth taking a look through your site and your programs to make sure you’re not doing any of these things moving forward.

  • Cloaking
  • Link buying
  • Link farms
  • Three-way linking
  • Duplicating content
  • Like farms
  • Auto-follows
  • The thin content approach

We covered how to build quality content in a previous article, so check that out for more information. Just remember to avoid trying to take short cuts when you produce content. The search engines need good quality content to return worthwhile results for searchers. If you fail the quality content test, you simply won’t rank and drive traffic.
I've never put much into bing. With similar ranks I see so little traffic from them. Same with Yahoo.

Does any one else see worthwhile traffic from the other search engines?
No offence meant Minstrel, but I love the way you duplicated "Link Farms" after you listed "Duplicating Content" on your post. ;)