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Blog not cached



Hello everyone,

I am running a blog Directory Submission

It is nearly one month and Google spider has not visited my blog.

Can you tell me what can be the reason for this.

How much time Google takes to index the blog.
Hi, I checked your site and didn't find any technical mistake that may cause the problem. After that I checked the backlinks at Yahoo! Site Explorer and it returned 2 backlinks. Go for some real powerful link and the blog will be fine very soon.
Your directory seems to be both indexed and cached on google. If you're referring to the slow crawl rate, then you make google crawl your site faster by addin new content frequently and by building more quality backlinks to your blog.
Plus Google are still playing with their new minty fresh indexing algo. I have heard a lot of reports that Google are not updating their index as fast or the bot has become sluggish etc etc.

Google are streamlining the new algo so it makes indexing faster than ever before.
