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Blog Not Index


New Member
I have created a blog 15 days ago, but this blog is not indexed yet after published more than 20 posts. I don't know why? can you tell my How to Index
Are you sure it's not indexed?

You can submit your site URL to the search engines. That's no guarantee of anything but you can try that to hurry things along.
But you indexit manualy to gooogle console .Or maybe you should have a little patient and it will index
After publishing your articles on the blog, you need to submit them to Google. Visit Google Search Console -> Crawl Section -> Fetch as Google. Then paste your URLs into the textbox and press the Fetch button.
I have created a blog 15 days ago, but this blog is not indexed yet after published more than 20 posts. I don't know why? can you tell my How to Index
Add your url in webmaster then submit your blog url from your webmaster or check any error message on webmaster. or submit your blog manually.
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Psst, this is a very old thread.

Bing has a slower crawl bot, and that is the reason why Google win the race in terms of result the user searched.