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Blogs v Website

Actually I would have both!

The idea of a pre sell letter is actually to have real content on your website or blog, that both attracts the search engines because you have real original content, and also interests people and gets them to click through to your affiliate website

The first thing however is that you must have some way of hiding your affiliate codes otherwise people will NOT click on your affiliate URL, and all your efforts will be totally wasted

If you decide to use a blog - which is a fair option - then to get adwords into a blog, you simply click on where it says "template" within say, or wherever the template is for your main blog pages, and then add your google codes into the template. You could decide to save you google codes in a set of .inc pages and then use the PHP include statement to include them in your blog pages. Either way its a really easy thing to do. You can get the google codes from the members area of the Adsense program - obviously you will have to decide what size of ad block you want, and where you want it to appear on your blog or website e.g. down a column, across the top etc

However I would recommend you take this idea of pre selling a bit further

I would decide on a theme you are going to have for your website, and then get a list of all the affiliate programs that fit your theme. You could do it the other way round as well - find affiliate products that are all roughly around a theme of some kind and then use that as your website theme

Then you simply create loads of individual pages of real content you write yourself about everything imaginable to do with your niche, including pages where you write about the GENERAL THEME ONLY of the products you want to sell. You dont need to mention the products by name, you can simply write about the general theme of the products e,g, copy writing, and then have a link at the end saying "for more information click here"

I would however stress you MUST ALWAYS use an encripted affiliate URL. Dont let people see your affiliate URL, otherwise they will put their mouse over your link, right click and select - copy link - then they will paste the link into the address bar and backspace out your affiliate code. People are so afraid that you will get a commission, when they never do, they will go to any lengths to avoid your affiliate codes

To hide your affiliate codes is easy, its just a case of setting up a different page on your website, which contains the affiliate code - this way your affiliate code will not show up in the address bar, the status bar - in fact nowhere. Dont just use redirection, this is just as bad as your affiliate URL laid bare, because it shows up in the address bar once the redirection is complete.

There is stuff on my site about this, but anyone can do it. I actually use double encription, so that if people select - view source - they still cant work out what the affiliate code is!
