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Blog Your Way to Success With Frequency and Long Tail Keywords



Blog Your Way to Success With Frequency and Long Tail Keywords
Daily SEO Tip
July 27, 2010

How can you rank high enough in the search engines when there are thousands, if not millions of other marketers out there vying for those internet searching customers. Well, that?s where long tail keywords come into play.

Long Tail Keywords
To make your keyword rich content as effective as possible look for what?s called long tail keywords. These are words that will move you away from the general querying crowd?and the heavy competition.

For example: We have an allergy products site in which we sell vacuum cleaners, vacuum cleaner bags, and vacuum cleaner filters. Imagine the number of customers searching the generic term vacuums, or vacuum cleaners. So, what do you do? Simple, you narrow your focus; instead of vacuum cleaners, you make your keyword HEPA vacuum cleaners, or HEPA vacuum filters. Or, you can use a specific brand name.

To tighten it up a bit more?to get more specific and narrow your target audience?you might use a keyword search tool to find long tail keywords that customers are searching for, but not in overwhelming numbers. You need to focus in on the particular service or product you want to sell. Instead of aiming at the outer rim of a bull?s eye, go dead center.

And, once you get your keywords, be sure to put it in your title and in anchor text throughout your article or post. Don?t overdo the keywords and be sure they are not forced; clarity is essential.

This is similar to micro keyword niching, such as a 2 or 3 word phrase that's mostly undiscovered. It can be a very powerful strategy especially for these little niches that most webmasters forget to make a site about.
And unlike just generating any traffic, it does actually help generate real targeted traffic which enhances your conversions.