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BlogKits for Newbie Affiliates - Easy Way to Get Started

Linda Buquet

New Member
<strong><a target="_new" href="">BlogKits</a></strong> is the world's first affiliate marketing network specifically for bloggers. <em>But today I want to focus on Blogkits as a great solution for n00b affiliates. </em> I like helping newbies and know that a few of the most dedicated ones will become super affiliates some day.

I gets lots of newaffiliates coming to this newbie affiliate forum every day, asking a myriad of questions about the best way to get started. I always tell totally green affiliates to start with a niche they know about and are hopefully passionate about. Partly because it's easier to write content and largely because it makes it more interesting for them to stick to and stay committed to as they wait for that slow 1st commission check to hit. Many times for affiliates that don't have any web design experience I suggest starting with WordPress and writing a blog as a starter site.

Think about the ease of starting with <strong><a target="_new" href="">BlogKits</a></strong> for a n00b affiliate. You don't need to tackle the daunting task of joining CJ, looking at 1000 programs with 100 banners each, figuring out which programs to join, which banners are best, where to place them and what the heck is EPC?

Below is an explanation of how easy BlogKits is in comparison, from Jim Kukral, the mastermind behind the program. For the few that don't know Jim, he's an affiliate industry veteran as well as an extremely accomplished blogger and is also the <a target="_new" href="">Publisher of ReveNews</a>. Jim writes:
"When a blogger (or newbie affiliate - says Linda) logs into BlogKits, she has to complete two simple steps. The first is to choose which type/style of advertisement to use. Either a simple text ad, or an understated sidebar banner ad, both built specifically for bloggers (or newbie affiliates - says Linda).

The second step is for the blogger to decide what type of ads will fit best for her readers. For example: if she has a blog that is read mostly by small businesses, she would simply grab one pre-built piece of tracking code for that category, place it in her blog, and be done. The BlogKits system will rotate the pre-selected ad units for the blogger. Each time a reader clicks and purchases, the blogger earns a % of that order."</blockquote>
So newbie affiliates can set the ads and forget the ads, then work on building content and learning to build traffic. In my mind a % of commission is better than no commission. For a 1st affiliate site or even a 2nd or 3rd, Blogkits makes perfect sense!

Blogkits offers ads from top brands like eBay, Travelocity,, Paypal, Zappos, Starbucks and many more. Here are some <strong><a target="_new" href="">sample ads</a></strong> so you can view the type of ads that would be seen on blogs from the 3 main categories. And here's the<strong> <a target="_new" href="">sign-up form</a></strong>, so you can get started today and start earning in the new year. Happy blogging!
Thanks for the write up Linda, and vote of confidence. It always feels good to have a smart person like you agree with what I'm doing.

Hi Jim,

Thanks for stopping by and posting - I do like BlogKits a lot!

If any affiliates have questions about it,
I'm sure we can get Jim back here with answers.