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Ask Me Anything Boost your dating ads – try email clicks!


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Have you heard about the opportunity to get high ROI performance in the dating vertical? Dating is one of the most popular verticals due to several reasons:
– ease of creating advertising campaigns
– the ability to reach a wide audience and receive a large volume of traffic
– stable and high demand regardless of external factors

There is no surprise that many affiliate marketers and newbies prefer to work in this niche. As a result, high competition forces you to constantly look for strategies that convert. Can this be avoided? ClickAdilla can convincingly say – yes!

In this article, we will tell you about the magic pill in the world of affiliate marketing – email clicks!

What are email clicks?​

Email clicks are the latest advertising format from ClickAdilla, which is adapted for advertising in the dating vertical. The key is that these ads allow you to reach the most targeted audience. As you know, the more target audience you reach, the higher your chances of high conversions and earnings!

While others are trying their luck by testing different traffic sources, you can reach those unique users who are directly interested in your dating offer.

What is the audience of email clicks?​

The audience of email click ads is users who are currently using the dating website/app or have previously used it. Dating platforms offer users to subscribe to newsletters, and email click advert allows you to use a newsletter for your goals: dating site publishers send your advertising as an email on your behalf to the target users!

How about GEOs? Email clicks are an excellent option for those advertisers who want to increase their competitiveness in Tier-1. 92.2% of clicks are from the USA, UK, California, Australia, and EU.

Who are email click ads suitable for?​

The ease of launching a campaign makes email clicks one of the most simple ad formats that exist in the advertising industry. That's why ClickAdilla believes it's a great option not only for experienced advertisers striving to reach as much high-quality traffic as possible. Email click advertising is a great option for beginners who want to master affiliate marketing, but are afraid of wasting their budget because of mistakes.

What are the payment models?​

Email clicks advertising is based on the CPC model, which is the cost per click. This is one of the most affordable payment models, so you can try email clicks even if you do not have a lot of investments.

What is the type of traffic for email clicks?​

Today, mobile devices are ahead of desktops in popularity. Therefore, you may notice that many offers bring excellent conversions with mobile traffic. This fact is especially important for those who want to advertise in Tier 1 - for example, mobile devices are the most used in the USA, which means it is most profitable to drive mobile traffic in this GEO. Email clicks are a great choice for those affiliates who want to receive high-quality mobile traffic.

How to use email clicks?​

The advertising process is very simple and consists of several steps:
1. Create a theme (title) that is relevant to the main content.
2. Write a compelling text describing the key advantages of your offer.
3. Attach a link to your landing page.

There are a minimum of steps, and your campaign is ready to attract the attention of unique users, who are interested in the dating niche!

What are your impressions of email clicks? Let us know if you want to try this ad by sending the key phrase: “email click”. Let's make ClickAdilla even more multi-functional together!

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What do you think about cross selling these *dating clicks* to webcam private labels?
Do you foresee any conflict of interest here or problems other than the user affinity for the cross-offer?
What do you think about cross selling these *dating clicks* to webcam private labels?
Do you foresee any conflict of interest here or problems other than the user affinity for the cross-offer?

We do not have an email clicks format yet though we're thinking of implementing it to our platform. The purpose of this article was to raise awareness about this format and ask the audience if they were interested in it.

But if you ask about our position, while we see potential in cross-selling dating clicks to webcam labels, we prioritize user experience and respect for preferences. We support transparent messaging and user choice, ensuring that any cross-offers align with user expectations and comply with privacy regulations. Maintaining a positive user experience and trust remains our top priority.

We do not have an email clicks format yet though we're thinking of implementing it to our platform. The purpose of this article was to raise awareness about this format and ask the audience if they were interested in it.

But if you ask about our position, while we see potential in cross-selling dating clicks to webcam labels, we prioritize user experience and respect for preferences. We support transparent messaging and user choice, ensuring that any cross-offers align with user expectations and comply with privacy regulations. Maintaining a positive user experience and trust remains our top priority.
Well, If you ever implement email clicks and can accommodate my needs we can talk about it at that time.
Hello @Tatyana_ClickAdilla

Informative article and seems like a good model to me. This is a great way to target the right audience.

Thers is one of my affiliates who asked me about initiating the dating niche but is not sure about which platform he can start with which can give him good ROI, he doesn't want to experiment where he didn't get the ROI. I can suggest to him Clickadilla to start with.

I would like to know what type of services you provide and what is the average ROI one can receive from your platform. Also, please add the top-performing geos to your platform for the Dating niche.
