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Boring Couple Sues Google Over Street View


Senior Member
The couple is suing the Mountain View, Calif., search giant for invading its privacy by snapping a photo of the Boring house for Google Street View, a map feature that allows users to see pictures of streets. It caused the Borings "mental suffering and diminished value of their property," according to the complaint filed in Pennsylvania state court on Wednesday. They're seeking at least $25,000 in damages.

The Borings claim that Google drove down Oakridge Lane -- a private road owned by residents -- and then further trespassed into their driveway to take a photo that includes their pool.

Google spokesman Larry Yu said the company is "looking into the details" of the Boring lawsuit. He said it's the first time Google's been sued over the year-old Street View project.

Read the whole story here: - Boring Couple Sues Google Over Street View
If this couple win this, it could be a landmark case and open up the flood gates for others to sue Google.

It wouldn't be the first time G has had their privacy laws raised.

The thought of them winning is nice but it's highly unlikely they will do. Although in some cases Google do some pretty stupid things, I think they covered themselves for this one pretty well.

No doubt they consulted their in-house lawyers and external ones before proceeding with the mapping system.

As Mr Yu quite rightly states, concerned citizens can have the photo's removed and anyone is allowed to take pictures on public streets.

I think it's insane for the Borings to say that the map photo's have or would wipe value of their property. It just goes to show how thick some people are.

If anything they should have used it in a positive way when selling the house, it could make the sale (if they are selling) go through quicker and probably for a higher price.

Especially since were living in a world of vanity where everyone wants to be noticed.

This will probably be just another page in the law suit book against Google.

In the Uk they would probably win under the Eu human rights act (HRA) legislationthat states " every person is entitled to privacy in their home and family life" So they could claim that their human rights have been breached. Originally the HRA was meant to apply only to governement departments, but test cases have set presidents that have allow3ed it to spill over.