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Broken link in a website.



How can broken link in a website can affect its ranking?. What can be the harmful affect for the website.
Even without ranking consideration, broken link is not good on a site because it will make navigation a hell.
If you have too many broken links, search engines will mark your site down as an unreliable and not well looked after site and you will not be ranked as well as you could have been.
Broken links are deadly for a site:

1. Visitors

When a visitor click on a broken links and more than one time on your site he feels bitter and will never come back to your website.

2. SE Spiders

Broken links may create end less loops for spiders and possibly they less often visit your site.
Even without ranking consideration, broken link is not good on a site because it will make navigation a hell.
If you have too many broken links, search engines will mark your site down as an unreliable and not well looked after site and you will not be ranked as well as you could have been.

Well said. Google even gives you broken link information on the main page in Webmaster Tools. That says it all really.