Jay Wessman
Well-Known Member
Building Backlinks With Stock Photography Sites
Today in this guide I'm going to show you a source of free backlinks that's super untapped and that hardly anybody is using.
Photo Stock Backlinks
Basically what we're going to do is create a whole bunch of images that are related to our niche and then submit them to various stock photography and logo sites where we'll be able to add a link back to our site.
1) Take Some Niche Related Photos
Get a camera and go and take some simple photos that are related to your niche.
Is your site about “Bushwalking Equipment”? Go for a bushwalk and take a bunch of photos of the track along the way.
Got a site promoting “Dog Leashes”? Take your dog for a walk and take some snaps!
Basically just find an easy and low cost way to get a bunch of niche related photos.
2) Upload Your Photos to Free Stock Photography Sites
There are tonnes of free stock photography sites out there and they are always looking for new content and submissions from people who have original photos.
In exchange for your photo most sites will allow you to add a link back to your site either on the same page as the photo:

Or on your profile page:

So all that you have to do to score some killer backlinks is to visit free stock photography sites like:
- SXC.hu
- PublicDomainPictures.net
- FreeFoto.com
- 4FreePhotos.com
- MorgueFile.com
- Flickr.com
- MorgueFile.com
- EveryStockPhoto.com
- FreePhotosBank.com
And then just submit your photos along with your backlinks... easy!
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