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CASE STUDY: How To Drive THOUSANDS Of Free Visitors To Your Site With REDDIT!

Jay Wessman

Well-Known Member
Sup ninjas?

Some of you might remember that a while back I wrote this guide about how I'm using reddit to drive thousands of free visitors to my niche sites. Well I decided to take it a step further and show you guys a REAL LIFE case study of exactly how I do it.

I'll show you the actual page that I submit and the traffic that it generates and all that good stuff... so check it out!

Awesome video, as always, Jay! I watched the original one, too but this has me convinced me to sign up to Reddit, thanks.

By the way, did you take your wine aerator site down?
By the way, did you take your wine aerator site down?

I actually held a contest where I gave the site away to the winner and then transferred the domain over to him.

For whatever reason though he never bothered to actually transfer the site or renew the domain so when the domain expired the site went down.

Can't imagine why he didn't do it though. Would of only taken him a few minutes to set up and he would have been making autopilot sales.

Ah well.
I did read that a couple of weeks afterwards when I went back to review your videos (big fan!). It's nuts, I can't imagine why someone would throw that away.

I've been wondering if your gadget site gets dinged by Google. Maybe not, you have content for each item, I just always think of G as hating eCommerce, which of course isn't the case. Love that site, by the way!