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[Case Study] My first PPV campaign on Lead Impact. Suggestions please!


Hello other affiliatefixers lol

I am new to this forum and CPA marketing. I have just got a leadimpact account ready with funds. (yes, I am starting with ppv) and as suggested by EymardSiojo, I will write a case study for receiving advice from expert cpa affiliates along with. :)

I have digital ocean server and cpv lab installed. I have planned to start with direct linking with some insurance offers.
I will update this thread as soon as campaign is live. :)

As everybody says, I will only target URLs

I hope I am going right way :) need suggestions :) I like smileys :)
So here are the offers which I am promoting and the campaigns are live on leadimpact!

1. ClickBank Product from sports category.
2. MaxBounty Dating Offer (casual dating for a specific country)

I made landing page for both of them. Just one landing page for clickbank product and two landing pages for maxbounty dating offer (I am split testing both of them using CPVlab)
I scraped URLs from affportal and used around 144 URLs in first one and around 36 URLs in second one.

Lets see what happens :)
Waiting for some motivation :rolleyes: :)
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hey mlaghfiri I thought to start with Insurance offer but I didn't. People say dating offers are easy to promote so i thought lets go with it. So now I am promoting one click bank offer and one max bounty dating offer as you can see in my above post.
Hi Ddraj,

Congrats on taking action. The plan seems good
Just a little advice, as you are starting out, it will be better if you concentrate more on Lead gen offers as clickbank offers require more of a testing budget to convert on PPV traffic.
Let us know how it goes. :)
Thanks for your advise chiruraaj!

You are right, Click bank offers that too pricing above 10-20 bucks isn't likely to get convert easily. I setup this campaign as I was having facebook ad credit and I created this sports training landing page for that Facebook traffic, that didn't get any sale on fb so thought lets give it a try here.

I will definitely stick to CPA offers if this click bank offer did not convert and if it did than I will go on optimizing it. :)

I set daily budget around 5 bucks on each offer having URLs around 100 Is that fine for a test campaign ?

BTW, they haven't approved yet, waiting for approval :)
Here's an update!
The Landing page for clickbank got 4 optins. My budget was $5 , One big mistake that I made intentionally was not tracking this landing page. I feel if all optins were from a single target than I could remove all other non performing targets. Although let's leave this one. Let's focus on CPA offers only.

Another offer was Dating offer I made 2 landing page for this one and reports are not visible at this time and even I cant see any conversion in my CPA affilliate account even no clicks. so I guess although they have approved the keywords but traffic has to come. So let's wait :)

I have also setup 3-4 more campaigns, I have direct linked them.. they are email and zip submit offers. I will also give an update about those offers as well once all the keywords get approved. :)
I just hope you will have success in maxBounty dating offers. The most important is to choose smart your URL's and do simple, eye catchy landing page for that offer (pay attention of the size and position of your landing page).
Do some research about your offer because is not rare that people are complaining a ,lot about dating services and voice are spreading fast...
I have great success with EU dating offers from MaxBounty and I write also a case study about it...
Thanks for getting in buddy!
That dating offer isn't receiving any traffic, I am really confused why? I targeted few root level domains as well (I am no.1 in bids because there is no competitor) but I guess I need to add more. I really dont know how to find keywords for a dating offer! I Simply targeted other dating sites (not so popular but kind of known in that particular country)

Can someone suggest me how to find more keyword for this particular dating offer? Do i need to add adult sites? any one suggest that? or sites like hot girls something??

I feel landing page is fine, I have 4 lander that I am testing now (split testing through cpvlab) No much difference but change in CTA and headline as recommended by tj (thank you tj for that)

Talking about other campaigns which I started, I have total 7 email submit offers (I have direct linked them all) but only 3 of them are getting quite good traffic. And they all got 1 lead each (total 3). Although not in profit but the keyword which I got lead from isn't that profitable as well because I have 200 hits from that target ($0.01) and offer pays around $1.40 so there's isn't any profit but I guess I should keep it running for few more days and shall I remove other keyword ?

Is it too early to do that? shall I wait for some more days and gather more data ? I have spend total 24 bucks from my leadimpact account and made only $4.05 this doesn't matter right now I have realized how important f*ckung data is lol

Your views on this please!

I just hope you will have success in maxBounty dating offers. The most important is to choose smart your URL's and do simple, eye catchy landing page for that offer (pay attention of the size and position of your landing page).
Do some research about your offer because is not rare that people are complaining a ,lot about dating services and voice are spreading fast...
I have great success with EU dating offers from MaxBounty and I write also a case study about it...
I hope this works for you!!! I will be watching closely. I am also using PPV as my starting method.

You have 5 days of posts and then it just stopped - what happened?

I am using DirectCPV with 2 different e-submit offers and no luck so far. I have paused my campaigns and am looking for a coach/mentor to help me.