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Case Study [CASE STUDY] with 559% ROI in Algeria


New Member
Affiliate Program: Hypercentage

Ad format: Push Notifications

Offer: Virtual Girlfriend - Mainstream - RS 2 Clicks

Campaign period: Mar. 05, 2023 – Mar. 09, 2023

GEO: Algeria

Total spent: $ 60.18
Total Revenue: $ 396.64
Net profit: $ 336.47

ROI: 559.10%

Started working with Hypercentage, an advertiser with their own inhouse offers and I decided on testing them with Push notifications, as I already had good results with them, over several campaigns. Seems the best geo at that time was Algeria (info always updated by their spot-on Managers), so I just had to set a test campaign.
I got paid on RevShare, 80% / conversion. At first the payout seemed quite low, but then again, I thought there’s not that much competition in Algeria, and maybe not all users will make calls of the same duration. And I was right. Plus, the traffic is quite cheap as well.




Being a click2call offer, where the user calls to chat with the real girls in the call centers, the best way to get them hooked was definitely an Algerian girl, nothing too spicy, as it's meant for Push Notifications. Single girl in the photo, the text as it would have been written by a real user.

Title: !اتصل بي الآن لنتحدث / Call me now so we can talk!

Description: ليلى، عمري 22 سنة ،أريد التواصل معك / I am Layla, 22 years old, I want to contact you




As the offer is 2 clicks flow, there's no prelander involved, the push would send the user directly to the landing page, where he would initiate the call.


I set one campaign, for all types of users, all available sources, for Mobile, targeting both Carriers and Wi-Fi as well, as all mobile traffic converts in this type of offer. Pricing model CPM. I always like to start my campaigns with a wide targeting, leave the optimization tricks after the test period. You never know what you’re missing on, so better wide targeting at first.


The results were more than great, as you can see by the numbers. Big volumes, low cost, and the revenue generated was fantastic! 559% ROI (!!!) with one test proved that the offer from Hypercentage is working beautifully and with proper optimizations it has fantastic potential. Push notifications were definitely a good source for Algeria, and I’ll set more campaigns with them for all tier 3 geos in Hypercentage’s offers. Pushing on MENA first, that my Manager suggested as being their best converting geos.

Hope my results will inspire you to test more tier 3 geos, I have UAE and Egypt next on my list
Everyone’s hyped over Tier1 geos, with huge volumes and sky-rocketing prices… but the Tier 3 geos I tested on Hypercentage’s dating offers are a true gem


Hypercentage's platform:



Why did you stop? Or, did the 'cash-cow GEO' die. Or, Did you stop?